So, here is the first makeup tip I decided to to shape your eyebrows!
Here is a picture that I found on the internet, which is a very simple illustration of the basics
You first start off with some kind of skinny stick (a wooden skewer works best). Trying not to poke your eye, you use the stick vertically as a guide.
You will end up placing the stick to your face like how the lines in the picture shows above. The arch thingy at the bottom of the lines is supposed to be the edge of your nose.
***Line A is how you line up the stick on your face to find where your brow should start.
***Line B is how you decide where your arch should be.
***Line C is how you find where your brow should end.
Simple enough, yeah?
I cannot do my own brows for diddly-squat, but I think how I have them now is as good as they're gonna get, so I'm satisfied. I am actually better at shaping other people's brows than my own. I have some type of talent for it. I don't even need to use the stick method, I can just mentally see the shaped brow in my head. The downside to this talent is that I have some kind of weird brow fetish where I just want to shape every bushy brow that I see.
Here are some answers to a couple questions that people may wonder about...
Q: "What if I don't have hair there?"
A: Fake it! Makeup is the most wonderful tool that lets you fake what you don't have. Look at my EOTD pictures. Do you think my brow extends out that far? Nope, it doesn't my brows cut short (like most Asian brows do), so I have to fake the rest of the length that I need.
Q: "Thick or Thin?"
A: I personally prefer thin on me because my eyes are small and I noticed that thinner looks better in pictures. It opens up my eyes more. When I had thicker brows, I used to shade them in and in pictures they made my eyes look much smaller. However, this is personal preference and what works for me, may not work for you.
If you are new to shaping brows, I would suggest starting off slightly thick and then figure out if you want to go thinner later. I really don't believe all of that "thinner makes you look older, thicker makes you look younger" tips that I hear gurus talking about. It doesn't matter! You have to go with what looks good aesthetically. Your eyebrows will definitely not decide whether you look younger or older..... -_- Can you imagine an old wrinkly lady with thick eyebrows? I don't think that will make her look younger....
Now, I love to color in my eyebrows because I have very sparse hair on my eyebrows. My favorite products ever for eyebrows is an angled eyebrow brush, MAC Groundwork Paint Pot, and MAC Charcoal Brown eyeshadow. I use the paint pot as a base and pat the eyeshadow on top. This allows me to have an eyebrow that stays put all day long. Of course, you make the color more darker on the outer half first and then lightly work your way into the inner half. If you don't, you'll have brows that look like Lady Gaga's in the Telephone video.
For color I go with a shade that is about 2-3 times lighter than my hair color. If you look at the EOTD post, my brows look like a dark brown. This is actually lighter than my actual hair color which is a jet black. For dark hair, I suggest you use a lighter color for your brows. For light hair (like blonde) I suggest you go darker (only slightly though, not Lady Gaga dark). I, for one, am not a fan of bleached brows. I think it makes your brow bone stand out too much in pictures and takes away from your natural face shape. In some cases, it makes you look like you have no brows, which in that case you may as well have shaved them off (there are only a handful of people that can pull this look off).
Well, I think this post is long enough... I can talk forever about eyebrows, but I think I'll stop here..
Please check back for more posts on my makeup tips. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I don't know if my posts are hard to read or I would really like to know of any improvements that I can make.
Hey Kris, it's Kelli! Im using Arlen's gmail account cause i don't have one... I found your blog from your facebook page and i think it's awesome! Funny how you made a post on eyebrows cause i wanted to ask you for help with mine! Hopefully you can help me with that this weekend? Oh, and I liked Lady Gaga's makeup in Telephone! Lol