So, I just found out from that Shu Uemura will be leaving the US. They haven't set a date yet, but once they leave, you can only buy the products online. How sad is that! I have been using the eyelash curler for eight years and now I can only buy it online? I replace my curler about 2-3 times a year and it's already $19 a pop. I don't think I want to add shipping into the equation...
I don't really want to become too dependent on something that will eventually become too expensive to obtain, so I think I'll start looking for a good dupe. I mean, they still have it at Sephora so I could go and buy out the whole store to stock up, but what about when I run out of that? I think it'll be better to just find something else...
I remember before I found out about Shu Uemura curlers, I used to use Shiseido. I thought Shiseido had the best curler until my makeup instructor told me about Shu Uemura. So, I think I'll buy one of those and try it out to see if it works just as good. The plus side is that Shiseido sells replacement pads for the curler (they used to be like $9 for 2, I think). So, that will actually end up being cheaper in the long run...
Oh well, I'm going to go buy a Shiseido curler on Thursday, so I'll let you all know how it works out with that one. ^_^
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I really, really, really want to go to Kawaii Kon this year. I cannot express how badly I want to go! husband doesn't share the same enthusiasm I do for such events. Hence, I either go by myself or find someone else to go with me.
Even more so, it's not cheap! When I went for 2008, I paid $50 per ticket. They now have advance sales for two-day tickets and it's $35, but I don't even know if I'm going for sure. If advance sales are $35, then I'm pretty sure buying a ticket "day-of" will cost me $50 again. That doesn't even include if I want to buy anything. Last time, I walked off with almost the whole collection of "Full Moon."
What to do, what to do? I know my cousin is setting up a booth there, maybe I should tag along with her?
It's hard to ignore because I remember going for the first time in '08 and it's so much fun seeing people dressed as my favorite characters.
Maybe I can sweet-talk my hubby into going? Oh well....I'll get to it as the days come closer...
Even more so, it's not cheap! When I went for 2008, I paid $50 per ticket. They now have advance sales for two-day tickets and it's $35, but I don't even know if I'm going for sure. If advance sales are $35, then I'm pretty sure buying a ticket "day-of" will cost me $50 again. That doesn't even include if I want to buy anything. Last time, I walked off with almost the whole collection of "Full Moon."
What to do, what to do? I know my cousin is setting up a booth there, maybe I should tag along with her?
It's hard to ignore because I remember going for the first time in '08 and it's so much fun seeing people dressed as my favorite characters.
Maybe I can sweet-talk my hubby into going? Oh well....I'll get to it as the days come closer...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
How to Shape Your Brows
I couldn't think of what to post on this blog (besides reviews and hauls), so I decided that since this is a makeup blog, I should start to post makeup tips. I think makeup tips are more useful, fun, and interesting than posting random things about my boring life. I mean I don't think people want to read about my day, which mainly consists of work, eating, my daughter, cleaning, my husband, makeup, manga, and sleep. I love to husband said that I could sleep my life away (which I used to do before my daughter was born...but that's another story...)
So, here is the first makeup tip I decided to to shape your eyebrows!
Here is a picture that I found on the internet, which is a very simple illustration of the basics

You first start off with some kind of skinny stick (a wooden skewer works best). Trying not to poke your eye, you use the stick vertically as a guide.
You will end up placing the stick to your face like how the lines in the picture shows above. The arch thingy at the bottom of the lines is supposed to be the edge of your nose.
***Line A is how you line up the stick on your face to find where your brow should start.
***Line B is how you decide where your arch should be.
***Line C is how you find where your brow should end.
Simple enough, yeah?
I cannot do my own brows for diddly-squat, but I think how I have them now is as good as they're gonna get, so I'm satisfied. I am actually better at shaping other people's brows than my own. I have some type of talent for it. I don't even need to use the stick method, I can just mentally see the shaped brow in my head. The downside to this talent is that I have some kind of weird brow fetish where I just want to shape every bushy brow that I see.
Here are some answers to a couple questions that people may wonder about...
Q: "What if I don't have hair there?"
A: Fake it! Makeup is the most wonderful tool that lets you fake what you don't have. Look at my EOTD pictures. Do you think my brow extends out that far? Nope, it doesn't my brows cut short (like most Asian brows do), so I have to fake the rest of the length that I need.
Q: "Thick or Thin?"
A: I personally prefer thin on me because my eyes are small and I noticed that thinner looks better in pictures. It opens up my eyes more. When I had thicker brows, I used to shade them in and in pictures they made my eyes look much smaller. However, this is personal preference and what works for me, may not work for you.
If you are new to shaping brows, I would suggest starting off slightly thick and then figure out if you want to go thinner later. I really don't believe all of that "thinner makes you look older, thicker makes you look younger" tips that I hear gurus talking about. It doesn't matter! You have to go with what looks good aesthetically. Your eyebrows will definitely not decide whether you look younger or older..... -_- Can you imagine an old wrinkly lady with thick eyebrows? I don't think that will make her look younger....
Now, I love to color in my eyebrows because I have very sparse hair on my eyebrows. My favorite products ever for eyebrows is an angled eyebrow brush, MAC Groundwork Paint Pot, and MAC Charcoal Brown eyeshadow. I use the paint pot as a base and pat the eyeshadow on top. This allows me to have an eyebrow that stays put all day long. Of course, you make the color more darker on the outer half first and then lightly work your way into the inner half. If you don't, you'll have brows that look like Lady Gaga's in the Telephone video.
For color I go with a shade that is about 2-3 times lighter than my hair color. If you look at the EOTD post, my brows look like a dark brown. This is actually lighter than my actual hair color which is a jet black. For dark hair, I suggest you use a lighter color for your brows. For light hair (like blonde) I suggest you go darker (only slightly though, not Lady Gaga dark). I, for one, am not a fan of bleached brows. I think it makes your brow bone stand out too much in pictures and takes away from your natural face shape. In some cases, it makes you look like you have no brows, which in that case you may as well have shaved them off (there are only a handful of people that can pull this look off).
Well, I think this post is long enough... I can talk forever about eyebrows, but I think I'll stop here..
Please check back for more posts on my makeup tips. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I don't know if my posts are hard to read or I would really like to know of any improvements that I can make.
So, here is the first makeup tip I decided to to shape your eyebrows!
Here is a picture that I found on the internet, which is a very simple illustration of the basics
You first start off with some kind of skinny stick (a wooden skewer works best). Trying not to poke your eye, you use the stick vertically as a guide.
You will end up placing the stick to your face like how the lines in the picture shows above. The arch thingy at the bottom of the lines is supposed to be the edge of your nose.
***Line A is how you line up the stick on your face to find where your brow should start.
***Line B is how you decide where your arch should be.
***Line C is how you find where your brow should end.
Simple enough, yeah?
I cannot do my own brows for diddly-squat, but I think how I have them now is as good as they're gonna get, so I'm satisfied. I am actually better at shaping other people's brows than my own. I have some type of talent for it. I don't even need to use the stick method, I can just mentally see the shaped brow in my head. The downside to this talent is that I have some kind of weird brow fetish where I just want to shape every bushy brow that I see.
Here are some answers to a couple questions that people may wonder about...
Q: "What if I don't have hair there?"
A: Fake it! Makeup is the most wonderful tool that lets you fake what you don't have. Look at my EOTD pictures. Do you think my brow extends out that far? Nope, it doesn't my brows cut short (like most Asian brows do), so I have to fake the rest of the length that I need.
Q: "Thick or Thin?"
A: I personally prefer thin on me because my eyes are small and I noticed that thinner looks better in pictures. It opens up my eyes more. When I had thicker brows, I used to shade them in and in pictures they made my eyes look much smaller. However, this is personal preference and what works for me, may not work for you.
If you are new to shaping brows, I would suggest starting off slightly thick and then figure out if you want to go thinner later. I really don't believe all of that "thinner makes you look older, thicker makes you look younger" tips that I hear gurus talking about. It doesn't matter! You have to go with what looks good aesthetically. Your eyebrows will definitely not decide whether you look younger or older..... -_- Can you imagine an old wrinkly lady with thick eyebrows? I don't think that will make her look younger....
Now, I love to color in my eyebrows because I have very sparse hair on my eyebrows. My favorite products ever for eyebrows is an angled eyebrow brush, MAC Groundwork Paint Pot, and MAC Charcoal Brown eyeshadow. I use the paint pot as a base and pat the eyeshadow on top. This allows me to have an eyebrow that stays put all day long. Of course, you make the color more darker on the outer half first and then lightly work your way into the inner half. If you don't, you'll have brows that look like Lady Gaga's in the Telephone video.
For color I go with a shade that is about 2-3 times lighter than my hair color. If you look at the EOTD post, my brows look like a dark brown. This is actually lighter than my actual hair color which is a jet black. For dark hair, I suggest you use a lighter color for your brows. For light hair (like blonde) I suggest you go darker (only slightly though, not Lady Gaga dark). I, for one, am not a fan of bleached brows. I think it makes your brow bone stand out too much in pictures and takes away from your natural face shape. In some cases, it makes you look like you have no brows, which in that case you may as well have shaved them off (there are only a handful of people that can pull this look off).
Well, I think this post is long enough... I can talk forever about eyebrows, but I think I'll stop here..
Please check back for more posts on my makeup tips. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I don't know if my posts are hard to read or I would really like to know of any improvements that I can make.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
LUSH Review
So, lately when I watch YouTube videos, I notice a lot of gurus raving about LUSH products and how they're soooo good. I decided I wanted to try some, but I was a little disappointed because I didn't think that we had a store in Hawaii. Lo and behold, we do have one at Ala Moana and it's actually been here for a while. I just didn't notice it because to me the store was always the "odd smelling" store.
Well, I decided to go inside the store and look around. At first I was turned off by all the products, because they just didn't smell good to me. Since they're all natural, I decided to just suck it up and buy something. First I just started off with the bubble bars, which are amazing! They actually smell good when you use it (not on it's own). The amazing thing is that they make a lot of suds in the tub, but when you're done, it washes off absolutely clean. There is no soapy or slimy residue left over. I use them with my daughter a lot.
Since the bubble bars was such a huge hit with me, I decided to try other products. I really needed something good for my hair, so the sales girl suggested these products:
This shampoo is actually made with beer and you can actually smell the beer (I don't drink, so this is a turn off for me). However, the beer smell doesn't stick to my hair and the end result is incredibly clean feeling hair. My hair has never gotten so clean of oil and product like it does with this shampoo.
Now, this conditioner everyone raves about. I actually thought this conditioner stunk really badly. However, the ingredients sounded good for my hair, so I decided to try it out. I have to admit that the smell grew on me and it does work really well. Your hair doesn't have that "buttery" feel that most conditioners give off, which at first made me think that the product wasn't working good. After using it for over a month, I have to say it conditions well and it's easier for me to wash out of my hair.

Now, this isn't a hair product, it's an exfoliating bath gel. I just used up the sample that I got in a free gift set from my last purchase. This is another product that I thought didn't smell good, but after using it, I honestly really loved the smell. There's sea salt in it, which makes a really good natural exfoliater. It lathers unbelievably well and the smell stayed in my bathroom forever! My bathroom smelled so good every time I used this it was like air freshener!
I happened to have noticed a theme of how I thought all of the LUSH products stunk at first. Which I really do think so. I never really bought much of anything because I thought the smell was awful. However, I did notice that once you use the product, for some reason the smell isn't that bad. Maybe it needed to mix in with my body oils? I don't know.....but whatever the reason, it does smell good when I use it.
Another plus is that these products last a pretty long time! The Retread lasts me one month for a jar and the I have had the Cynthia shampoo for a month and I've only used a quarter of the bottle. The Rub Rub Rub sample that I got lasted me about a month too and I only had the sample of it, can you imagine how long the bottle would last me? I was surprised to find out how little bit you need to use at a time. Which is a good thing because it's pretty expensive. It's nice to know I get my money's worth on these products.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I really love to talk about products that I love. If it works good for me, I figure it'll work good for anyone!
Well, I decided to go inside the store and look around. At first I was turned off by all the products, because they just didn't smell good to me. Since they're all natural, I decided to just suck it up and buy something. First I just started off with the bubble bars, which are amazing! They actually smell good when you use it (not on it's own). The amazing thing is that they make a lot of suds in the tub, but when you're done, it washes off absolutely clean. There is no soapy or slimy residue left over. I use them with my daughter a lot.
Since the bubble bars was such a huge hit with me, I decided to try other products. I really needed something good for my hair, so the sales girl suggested these products:
Now, this isn't a hair product, it's an exfoliating bath gel. I just used up the sample that I got in a free gift set from my last purchase. This is another product that I thought didn't smell good, but after using it, I honestly really loved the smell. There's sea salt in it, which makes a really good natural exfoliater. It lathers unbelievably well and the smell stayed in my bathroom forever! My bathroom smelled so good every time I used this it was like air freshener!
I happened to have noticed a theme of how I thought all of the LUSH products stunk at first. Which I really do think so. I never really bought much of anything because I thought the smell was awful. However, I did notice that once you use the product, for some reason the smell isn't that bad. Maybe it needed to mix in with my body oils? I don't know.....but whatever the reason, it does smell good when I use it.
Another plus is that these products last a pretty long time! The Retread lasts me one month for a jar and the I have had the Cynthia shampoo for a month and I've only used a quarter of the bottle. The Rub Rub Rub sample that I got lasted me about a month too and I only had the sample of it, can you imagine how long the bottle would last me? I was surprised to find out how little bit you need to use at a time. Which is a good thing because it's pretty expensive. It's nice to know I get my money's worth on these products.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I really love to talk about products that I love. If it works good for me, I figure it'll work good for anyone!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
EOTD: Blues
I normally do only neutral looks, but lately I've been wanting to try out more colors. Today I decided to do a blue look. It's not the best looking EOTD that I've done, but I was late for work, so I was rushing a little bit...Please keep in mind that this is what it looked like after about 8 hours....
Sorry....I tried to get one with my eyes open, but I looked cross-eyed! This the best I could get. The lighting looks funny because this was taken with my webcam.

Here is what I used...
MAC Soft Ochre Paint Pot
MAC Delft Paint Pot
MAC Bare Study Paint Pot
Jessie's Girl Mardi Gras
MAC Suave Intentions (Love Lace collection)
MAC Tilt
MAC Nehru
Highlight for inner corner:
MAC Pincurl (Love Lace collection)
MAC Dazzlelight
Highlight for brow bone:
MAC Brule
Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil in Zero
MAC Fluidline Blacktrack
Shiseido Lasting Lift
MAC Soft Ochre Paint Pot
MAC Delft Paint Pot
MAC Bare Study Paint Pot
Jessie's Girl Mardi Gras
MAC Suave Intentions (Love Lace collection)
MAC Tilt
MAC Nehru
Highlight for inner corner:
MAC Pincurl (Love Lace collection)
MAC Dazzlelight
Highlight for brow bone:
MAC Brule
Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil in Zero
MAC Fluidline Blacktrack
Shiseido Lasting Lift
What do you think of this blue look? Have any picture taking tips? I really suck at taking pics of myself.... I think the EOTD looks better in person....
Friday, March 12, 2010
40 Beauty Questions...
I see girls doing this on Youtube and I thought it would be fun to do this in "blog" form! (^-^)/
-How many times do you wash your face daily?
I only wash my face once a day (yes, I know...I'm lazy...)
-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
I have very oily skin
-What is your current facial wash?
I use the MAC Lightful face wash
-Do you exfoliate?
Yes, I use this Angel-something facial cleanser from LUSH that acts like a gentle exfoliater
-What brand do you use?
LUSH ^-^
-What moisturizer do you use?
I use the MAC Lightful moisturizer (I only recently started using moisturizer because I'm getting old and I want nice skin as I age...)
-Do you have freckles?
No, but I have a lot of beauty spots on my face. I do have choke freckles on my arms though...
-Do you use eye cream?
Yes, I use the All About Eyes from Clinique and it works really well! It doesn't leave this oily residue on your eyes
-Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
Yup, I have very acne prone skin, it flares up once in a while
-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No, I was considering it, but it wasn't really readily available in my teens when I had super bad acne. I use Clean & Clear and it works well for me. My husband used ProActiv and it failed miserably for him. Now, Accutane worked wonders for his skin
-What foundation do you use?
I use Bare Minerals Matte Foundation in Light and I recently just started using the new Mineralized Foundation (the cream one) from MAC in NC37. I use that one when I want heavier coverage and I set it with my Bare Minerals. If I just want a light coverage I just use Bare Minerals. I highly recommend the Matte formula over the original one.
-How about concealer?
I don't really use concealer. If I do I use a basic one from Shiseido
-Do you know your undertone color?
I am actually a yellow undertone. Most makeup artists think I'm pink undertone because my skin actually has a pink tinge to it. However, my asian blood really pulls and makes my undertone yellow. If you try to put something pink based on my skin, it will look like Kabuki makeup. I cannot stress enough how important knowing your undertone is (it makes a huge difference when picking foundations)
-What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I love fake eyelashes!......on somebody else of course! Fake eyelashes for some reason look horrible and drag-ish on my eyes...
-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, but I try to stretch mine out for 4 months because it costs close to $30.
-What brand of mascara do you use?
I use Shiseido Lasting Lift Mascara. After years of trial and error this is the only mascara that makes my stick straight, down-turned lashes stay curled all day long. Literally, the curl doesn't not come out! Other mascaras that worked pretty well were Benefit Bad Gal and Buxom, but even these did not work as good as the Shiseido does.
-Sephora or MAC?
I love MAC, but I also love Sephora....tough decision, you cannot beat MAC's quality in products, but Sephora has so many different brands to choose from!
-Do you have a MAC Pro-card?
Yes, I do!
-What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
I cannot stress the importance of good brushes, I also love Shu Uemura eyelash curler (the Shiseido is a good dupe), I also like to use disposable makeup sponge wedges and q-tips.
-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, I like to use Soft Ochre or Painterly paint pots from MAC as a base
-For the face?
I start off with MAC Lightful Serum, then I follow with the MAC Skin Refined Zone and Dr. Brandt's Pores No More
-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
I love anything brown
-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I actually use MAC engraved powerpoint pencil followed by Fluidline in blacktrack. That combination makes an incredibly black finish that does not budge.
-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I've never poked my eyes before...
-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I love pigments! I am slowly making a collection of pigments because I love them so much!
-Do you use mineral makeup?
Yes, I use for my foundation (see above) and I love the MAC mineralized blushes and MSF's
-What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't really have a favorite because I like to layer, but my all time go to would have to be MAC Viva Glam V
-How about lipgloss?
I also don't have a favorite for this one, but I really like MAC Lip Gelees (any of them)
-What is your favorite blush to use?
Nars Orgasm
-Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
No, I don't trust vendors on ebay
-Do you like drugstore makeup?
When I was in high school I used to love drugstore makeup, but now I don't really like it. My MAC comes out to almost the same price as drugstore, so I rather buy that....
-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
I really want to, but there's no CCO in
-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
Yes, and I did! I graduated with two certificates
-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Surprisingly no, but I'm clumsy with everything else in life
-Name a makeup crime that you hate?
I really don't like it when things aren't well blended; I also don't like when the foundation is too light for the skin; I don't think some girls should wear thick, full, false eyelashes for every day use; I have more pet peeves, but I don't want to list them all....
-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I prefer neutral shades on myself, but I love colorful shades! I just can't really pull it off...
-Which celebrity always has great make up?
Carrie Underwood (is that her name?) actually always looks stunning, I also think Kim Kardashian has great makeup looks
-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
My eyeliner
-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Oh yeah I always do when I'm feeling lazy, however, I look awful!
-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
No, but I do get compliments on how nice my skin is (which I don't really agree with). One time a MAC artist thought I was wearing foundation (which I wasn't). I guess because I see myself everyday I can see all my imperfections. I hate my eyes, they look downturned, have no double eyelids, and are too small....
-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
-What do you think of Makeup??
I love makeup, it can not only transform you but it will bring out and enhance your natural beauty. I love the look on people's faces after they have their makeup done. It makes you feel like a different person, pulls up your self esteem, and gives you unbelievable confidence. Makeup is an art form, which I don't think most people realize that...
-How many times do you wash your face daily?
I only wash my face once a day (yes, I know...I'm lazy...)
-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
I have very oily skin
-What is your current facial wash?
I use the MAC Lightful face wash
-Do you exfoliate?
Yes, I use this Angel-something facial cleanser from LUSH that acts like a gentle exfoliater
-What brand do you use?
LUSH ^-^
-What moisturizer do you use?
I use the MAC Lightful moisturizer (I only recently started using moisturizer because I'm getting old and I want nice skin as I age...)
-Do you have freckles?
No, but I have a lot of beauty spots on my face. I do have choke freckles on my arms though...
-Do you use eye cream?
Yes, I use the All About Eyes from Clinique and it works really well! It doesn't leave this oily residue on your eyes
-Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
Yup, I have very acne prone skin, it flares up once in a while
-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No, I was considering it, but it wasn't really readily available in my teens when I had super bad acne. I use Clean & Clear and it works well for me. My husband used ProActiv and it failed miserably for him. Now, Accutane worked wonders for his skin
-What foundation do you use?
I use Bare Minerals Matte Foundation in Light and I recently just started using the new Mineralized Foundation (the cream one) from MAC in NC37. I use that one when I want heavier coverage and I set it with my Bare Minerals. If I just want a light coverage I just use Bare Minerals. I highly recommend the Matte formula over the original one.
-How about concealer?
I don't really use concealer. If I do I use a basic one from Shiseido
-Do you know your undertone color?
I am actually a yellow undertone. Most makeup artists think I'm pink undertone because my skin actually has a pink tinge to it. However, my asian blood really pulls and makes my undertone yellow. If you try to put something pink based on my skin, it will look like Kabuki makeup. I cannot stress enough how important knowing your undertone is (it makes a huge difference when picking foundations)
-What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I love fake eyelashes!......on somebody else of course! Fake eyelashes for some reason look horrible and drag-ish on my eyes...
-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, but I try to stretch mine out for 4 months because it costs close to $30.
-What brand of mascara do you use?
I use Shiseido Lasting Lift Mascara. After years of trial and error this is the only mascara that makes my stick straight, down-turned lashes stay curled all day long. Literally, the curl doesn't not come out! Other mascaras that worked pretty well were Benefit Bad Gal and Buxom, but even these did not work as good as the Shiseido does.
-Sephora or MAC?
I love MAC, but I also love Sephora....tough decision, you cannot beat MAC's quality in products, but Sephora has so many different brands to choose from!
-Do you have a MAC Pro-card?
Yes, I do!
-What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
I cannot stress the importance of good brushes, I also love Shu Uemura eyelash curler (the Shiseido is a good dupe), I also like to use disposable makeup sponge wedges and q-tips.
-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, I like to use Soft Ochre or Painterly paint pots from MAC as a base
-For the face?
I start off with MAC Lightful Serum, then I follow with the MAC Skin Refined Zone and Dr. Brandt's Pores No More
-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
I love anything brown
-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I actually use MAC engraved powerpoint pencil followed by Fluidline in blacktrack. That combination makes an incredibly black finish that does not budge.
-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I've never poked my eyes before...
-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I love pigments! I am slowly making a collection of pigments because I love them so much!
-Do you use mineral makeup?
Yes, I use for my foundation (see above) and I love the MAC mineralized blushes and MSF's
-What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't really have a favorite because I like to layer, but my all time go to would have to be MAC Viva Glam V
-How about lipgloss?
I also don't have a favorite for this one, but I really like MAC Lip Gelees (any of them)
-What is your favorite blush to use?
Nars Orgasm
-Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
No, I don't trust vendors on ebay
-Do you like drugstore makeup?
When I was in high school I used to love drugstore makeup, but now I don't really like it. My MAC comes out to almost the same price as drugstore, so I rather buy that....
-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
I really want to, but there's no CCO in
-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
Yes, and I did! I graduated with two certificates
-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Surprisingly no, but I'm clumsy with everything else in life
-Name a makeup crime that you hate?
I really don't like it when things aren't well blended; I also don't like when the foundation is too light for the skin; I don't think some girls should wear thick, full, false eyelashes for every day use; I have more pet peeves, but I don't want to list them all....
-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I prefer neutral shades on myself, but I love colorful shades! I just can't really pull it off...
-Which celebrity always has great make up?
Carrie Underwood (is that her name?) actually always looks stunning, I also think Kim Kardashian has great makeup looks
-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
My eyeliner
-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Oh yeah I always do when I'm feeling lazy, however, I look awful!
-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
No, but I do get compliments on how nice my skin is (which I don't really agree with). One time a MAC artist thought I was wearing foundation (which I wasn't). I guess because I see myself everyday I can see all my imperfections. I hate my eyes, they look downturned, have no double eyelids, and are too small....
-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
-What do you think of Makeup??
I love makeup, it can not only transform you but it will bring out and enhance your natural beauty. I love the look on people's faces after they have their makeup done. It makes you feel like a different person, pulls up your self esteem, and gives you unbelievable confidence. Makeup is an art form, which I don't think most people realize that...
Liberty of London Collection
Here is the Liberty of London Collection released by MAC on March 11, 2010...Like always, I don't buy every single item in the collection because it's not very practical for me. Actually it should be more practical to not buy anything, but what can I say? I'm addicted!
Let's start off with the lip stuffies that I picked up!
These colors were actually very pigmented. I expected Peachstock to be pigmented because it is a Pro color (If you want this color I suggest you get this one because of the cute packaging!), but I did not expected the Lipglosses to be pigmented. Surprisingly, I would actually suggest that you can wear these on their own. Normally I am totally against just wearing lipgloss because sometimes the color comes out too uneven on the lips. However, these are pigmented enough were you can get a good even coverage. I am so in love with these new colors!
Next, I picked up two of the eyeshadows
Give Me Liberty of London, Dame's Desire
Summer Rose, Prim & Proper
Let's start off with the lip stuffies that I picked up!
These colors were actually very pigmented. I expected Peachstock to be pigmented because it is a Pro color (If you want this color I suggest you get this one because of the cute packaging!), but I did not expected the Lipglosses to be pigmented. Surprisingly, I would actually suggest that you can wear these on their own. Normally I am totally against just wearing lipgloss because sometimes the color comes out too uneven on the lips. However, these are pigmented enough were you can get a good even coverage. I am so in love with these new colors!
Next, I picked up two of the eyeshadows
I couldn't get a good color swatch on my arm for Give Me Liberty of London, so I had to use my fingertips. Dame's Desire is very pigmented and Give Me Liberty of London is subtle enough to make a good highlight color. It looks darker on my finger because I really, really had to rub my finger in the pot to get a good color payoff.
Lastly, I picked up a blush and a beauty powder (I love beauty powders!!)
Lastly, I picked up a blush and a beauty powder (I love beauty powders!!)
From what I read, Summer Rose came out last year (I think it was the Rose Romance collection?), so I would skip it if you already have it. I really love this color, it's pink like the Viva Gaga lipstick, but very sheer. You can only see the color in the picture because I layered it a lot. The initial first swatch really didn't show up enough to catch in the photo. Prim & Proper is a beautiful blush color, a little bit more on the peachy-brown side. I had to layer this one too for it to photograph well. I always prefer cheek products that are buildable because then you don't have to worry about making a mistake with the first application.
I hope you liked these pictures! Should I do a collection blog later on? Maybe a few months from now?
I hope you liked these pictures! Should I do a collection blog later on? Maybe a few months from now?
Beauty Powder,
Liberty of London,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
MAC Pro Order!!!
Yay! My MAC Pro order came in the mail!!! I am so stoked, it only took two days to get here and it was free shipping! When you live here, free shipping is like a godsend!
I haven't had a chance to test anything yet because it just came in today, but I did do some swatches. Enjoy!
I got three Cremesheen Glasses from the Too Fabulous collection and one Dazzleglass (I love dazzleglasses ^_^)...

Boy Bait, Just Superb, Fashion Scoop, Local Colour

Copperbeam, Deep Brown, Vintage Gold
Hopefully, the Refined Zone will work, it's supposed to reduce pores by like 37%? We'll see....
I read online that the Chromaline might work better than Fluidline, so I'm going to give that a shot. Normally the black is sold out fast, so it must work good.
The mixing medium is one recommended for pigments and glitters, so I am going to see how well it works out.
My ultimate goal is for makeup that lasts all day long that looks just as fresh and when you first put it on. So far, I have achieved that with all the products I use on a daily basis. MAC products are one of the few brands that will stay on all day, no matter what. I hope the mixing medium will intensify the pigments and adhere pigments and glitters to the skin for maximum staying power.
I hope you guys enjoyed this "haul" post! Please excuse my hairy arm in the pictures, it's my genes...I cannot help that...
I haven't had a chance to test anything yet because it just came in today, but I did do some swatches. Enjoy!
I got three Cremesheen Glasses from the Too Fabulous collection and one Dazzleglass (I love dazzleglasses ^_^)...
Boy Bait, Just Superb, Fashion Scoop, Local Colour
These lipglosses are actually pretty sheer. I had to pile on quite a bit to be able to show the color, and even then it's hard to see. They are sooo pretty! Of course, I layer lipglosses and lipsticks like crazy, so I would never wear these just on their own. I actually don't recommend wearing them on their own unless you want a glossy sheer look. If you want some color on your lips, I would layer any one of these with a nice matte lipstick.
Next, I got some Pro pigments!!...
Next, I got some Pro pigments!!...
Copperbeam, Deep Brown, Vintage Gold
Surprisingly, Heritage Rouge and Copperbeam look pretty similar on my skin tone....Deep purple turned out nicer than I expected and Vintage Gold turned out more of a bronze color....Now Deep Brown looked super nice online and I thought it would make a nice addition to my matte colors, but it looks like a doo-doo brown.....I think if I use it with some type of eye shadow, it won't look so bad. I love neutrals, but I draw the line at something that can pass for a doo-doo color....
Last, but not least, the miscellaneous items!!!! My highly sought after MAC Brush Belt! Yay!! I was sooo lusting after this for years! I really did not know you could buy one online until last Christmas...
Last, but not least, the miscellaneous items!!!! My highly sought after MAC Brush Belt! Yay!! I was sooo lusting after this for years! I really did not know you could buy one online until last Christmas...
I read online that the Chromaline might work better than Fluidline, so I'm going to give that a shot. Normally the black is sold out fast, so it must work good.
The mixing medium is one recommended for pigments and glitters, so I am going to see how well it works out.
My ultimate goal is for makeup that lasts all day long that looks just as fresh and when you first put it on. So far, I have achieved that with all the products I use on a daily basis. MAC products are one of the few brands that will stay on all day, no matter what. I hope the mixing medium will intensify the pigments and adhere pigments and glitters to the skin for maximum staying power.
I hope you guys enjoyed this "haul" post! Please excuse my hairy arm in the pictures, it's my genes...I cannot help that...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sick, Sick, Sick!
So, I am now getting over a cold....I had to go to the ER last week and the chest xray showed that I have bronchitis. Yep....not's normally not so bad, but I get asthma when I get sick so.....bronchitis + asthma = cannot breathe...
Since I couldn't go shopping because I was sick at home, I decided to do some online shopping! My MAC order was just shipped today so hopefully I'll see it in like 3 days or so? That's around the time it took last's hard to determine because things take forever and a day to get to Hawaii...
So, what did I get? I got some Pro pigments, Mixing Medium, Too Fabulous Lipglosses, a LE Dazzleglass, and a makeup belt!!! I have always dreamed of having a MAC makeup belt and they finally came back in stock.
I will post pictures as soon as I get them!
P.S...looking very forward to picking up some stuffies from the Liberty of London collection premiering on Thursday!!!
Since I couldn't go shopping because I was sick at home, I decided to do some online shopping! My MAC order was just shipped today so hopefully I'll see it in like 3 days or so? That's around the time it took last's hard to determine because things take forever and a day to get to Hawaii...
So, what did I get? I got some Pro pigments, Mixing Medium, Too Fabulous Lipglosses, a LE Dazzleglass, and a makeup belt!!! I have always dreamed of having a MAC makeup belt and they finally came back in stock.
I will post pictures as soon as I get them!
P.S...looking very forward to picking up some stuffies from the Liberty of London collection premiering on Thursday!!!
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